Our objectives this year: To give our youth access to a wide range of outings and activities. To help them expand their experience in Scouting through teamwork, challenges, area events, group meetings, and individual achievment. Above all, the youth and leadership team should have FUN.
Scouts Canada Mission Statement To contribute to the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national, and international communities through the application of our principles and practices. Court of Honor (COH) A formal meeting of the Troop Patrol Leaders(PL) and the Troop Scouter(TS) The COH meets to talk about what happens in the Troop, and plays a significant role in running the Troop. Some examples are: - helps plan the program - looks after patrol finances - helps plan patrol meetings - discusses and approves appointments - handles issues of Patrol or Troop discipline - manages the achievments of each Scout |